76 Research topics related to Nutrition

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Looking for research topics related to Nutrition? this page might help you come up with ideas. Research topics are subjects or issues researchers are interested in when conducting research. A well-defined research topic is the starting point of every successful research project. Choosing a topic is an ongoing process by which researchers explore, define, and refine their ideas.

There are many research topics related to Nutrition, depending on your specialization and interests. The topics below are only for guides. We do not encourage writing on any of them because thousands of people visit this page also to get an idea of what topics to write on.

Nutrition program focuses on the utilization of food for human growth and metabolism, in both normal and dysfunctional states, from the interdisciplinary perspective of the agricultural, human, biological, and biomedical sciences. The primary purposes of research topics related to Nutrition are to inform action, gather evidence for theories, and solutions to problems, and contribute to developing knowledge.


76 Research topics related to Nutrition

  • A Comparative Study On The Physico-Chemical Properties Of Vegetable Oils Sold In [location]
  • Additives And Preservatives Used In Food Processing And Preservation And Their Health Implication
  • An Investigation Into The Health Dangers Of Potassium Bromate In Bread
  • An Investigation On The Effect Of Various Packaging Material On The Quality Attributes Of Suya (Meat)
  • Analysis Of The Hygienic Condition Of Canteen Food Services In [location]
  • Awareness Of Good Nutrition During Pregnancy Among Women Of Child Bearing Age In [location]
  • Chemical And Microbial Analysis Of Randomly Selected Water Samples Collected From Various Sources In [location]
  • Chemical And Sensory Evaluation Of Peanut Butter
  • Chemical Composition Of Raw And Cooked Walnutfood Science
  • Consumers’ Acceptability And Physio-Chemical Quality Of Breakfast From Malted Sorghum
  • Economic Assessment Of Some Methods Adopted In Yoghurt Production
  • Effect Of Agricultural Waste And Inorganic Fertilizer On Biodegradation Rate Of Soil Polluted With Engine Oil
  • Effect Of Different Processing Method On The Functional Properties Of Cassava Flours
  • Effect Of Different Oil In High Protein Salad Cream
  • Effect Of Fermentation Time On The Quality Characteristic Of Cassava Flour
  • Effect Of Modification On The Physical Properties Of Tiger Nut Starch (Imumu)
  • Effect Of Processing On Afzelia Africana Akpalata And Brachystegia Spp Flour As Soup Thickener
  • Effect Of Spices Extract Ginger, Extract Garlic And Salt Concentration On The Microbial Load Of Locust Bean Seeds (Parkiabiglobosa)
  • Effect Of Steeping Period On Yield And Acceptability Of Starch Extracted From Sorghum Sorghum Bicolor White Variety And Red Variety
  • Effect Of Storage Time On The Functional Properties Of Wheat/Bambka Groundnut Blend
  • Effects Of Different Processing Techniques On The Organoleptic Quality Of Soymilk Processing And Storage
  • Effects Of Outsourcing Strategies On The Organizational Performance Of the Fast Foods Industry
  • Effects Of Some Salts (Nacl And Na2 So4) On Functional Properties Of Pumpkin Seed (Telfaria Occidentals) Floor
  • Evaluation And Prevention Of Food Poisoning In A Catering Establishment
  • Evaluation Of Proximate And Sensory Properties Of Cocoyam – Wheat Composite Bread
  • Evaluation Of The Physico Chemical And Sensory Properties Of Infant Food Produced From Maize, Soybean And Tiger Nut.
  • Extraction Of Oil From Groundnut Seed Using Three Different Extractive Solvents (Methanol, Acetone, And N-Hexane)
  • Food Science And Technology, Health & Social Care
  • Food Security And National Development Implication For Home Economics Education In [location]
  • Impact Of Nafdac On The Consumption Of Consumer Goods Beverage
  • Impact Of Teaching Food And Nutrition On Senior Secondary School Students’ Performance
  • Influence Of Processing Methods On The Protein And Cyanide Content Of African Yam Bean Sphenostylis Stenocarpa
  • Isolation And Characterization Of Microorganisms From Stored Pap (Ogi)
  • Isolation And Performance Evaluation Of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae From On Palm Wine (Elaels Guinneensis) At Different Temperature Of Proofing During Bread
  • Knowledge And Practice Of Food Hygiene Among Food Vendors
  • Margarine” Production Using Oil Blends From Palm Kernel, Coconut And Melon
  • Nutrient Composition, Quality Evaluation And Acceptability Of “Gari” Fortified With Toasted African Yam Bean Seed Flour
  • Nutrient Quality Of Smoke – Dried Meat “Kilishi” Produced From Beef, Mutton, And Goat Meat
  • Nutritional Composition And Cyanogenic Content Of Gari Samples In [location]
  • Physical And Chemical Analysis Of Seven Sample Of Palm Oil
  • Physico Chemical And Organoleptic Properties Of Flour And Fufu Processed From Cassava Varieties
  • Physico – Chemical And Organoleptic Properties Of Flour And Fufu Processes From Cassava Varieties
  • Production And Acceptability Studies Of Malted Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor) Biscuit
  • Production And Characterisation Of Coconut Oil
  • Production And Determination Of Functional Properties Of Plantain Flour
  • Production And Evaluation Of Baked And Extruded Snacks From Blends Of Millet, Pigeon Pea, And Cassava Cortex Flour
  • Production And Evaluation Of Bread Using Blend Of Wheat Flour And Fermented Plantain Flour Food Science
  • Production And Sensory Evaluation Of Composite Jam Produced From Four (4) Different Tropical Fruits Apple, Pineapple, Orange, And Banana
  • Production And Uses Of Protein Hydrolysates An Removal Of Bittering Principles In It
  • Production Of Banana Flavoured Soy Yogurt
  • Production Of Mixed Fruit Using Fuse Locally Soured Citrus Fruits Orange Citrus Silences Tangerine Citrus Reticulate Lemon C Groups Citrus Paradox
  • Production Of Palm Oil And The Effect Of Heat On It
  • Production Of Tiger Nut Milk Using Tiger Nuts
  • Production Of “Ogiri” From Soyabean Using Micro Organism Responsible For Fermentation Of Castor Beans Seed “Ogiri” (Commercial “Ogiri”)
  • Production Soybean Fortified Powdered Paip From Maize
  • Promote Composition Of Pleurotus Tuberrcogin
  • Proximate And Physicochemical Analysis Of Fish Flour Obtained From Three Fish Species
  • Proximate And Sensory Characteristics Of Akara” Produced From Different Blends Of African Yam Bean And Cowpea
  • Quality Characteristics Of Biscuit Produced With Wheat-Sweet Potato Composite Flour.
  • Soluble Solid And Cyanide In Cassava Processing Water Waste Bod And Biological
  • The Effect Of Cryogenic Grounding On Liquid Milk Produced From Tigernut At Different Temperatures
  • The Effect Of Different Concentrations Of Citric Acid On The Physicochemical Properties Of Orange Juice
  • The Effect Of Food Packaging Material On The Environment
  • The Effect Of Management On Human Development
  • The Effect Of Processing On Afzelia Africana (Akpalata) And Brachystegia Spp Flour As Soup Thickener
  • The Effects Of Different Processing Techniques On The Organoleptic Quality Of Soymilk Processing And Storage
  • The Influence Of Processing Methods On The Protein And Cyanide Content Of African Yam Bean
  • The Physico-Chemical And Antioxidant Properties Of Culinary Herbs And Local Spies
  • The Physicochemical Properties Of Honey
  • The Role Of Nutrition In The Well-Being Of Undergraduates
  • The Role Of Packaging In Food Processing
  • The Status Of Processing And Preservation Of Cereals In [location]
  • Toxicity Of This Aqueous Environment
  • Use Of Composite Flour Blends For Biscuit Making (Peanut/Cassava Flour)
  • Use Of Cowpea For Shito Production
  • Uses Of Convenience Food In the Catering Industry
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