35 Careers related to Computers

careers related to

Looking for careers related to Computers? you are on the right page. Careers related to Computers are those careers that entail the design of computer systems and user interfaces, computer hardware design; computer development and programming; and applications for a variety of end-use situations. Using technology to solve problems and prepare for the future. Writing programs that create applications for human use.

Principal areas of job descriptions in careers related to Computers include not limited to the following:

  • Analyze problems to develop solutions involving computer hardware and software.
  • Design computers and software.
  • Maintain network hardware and software, direct network security measures, and monitored networks to ensure availability to system users.
  • Work as part of a research team with programmers, IT professionals, and mechanical, electrical or software engineers to solve problems and create new products
  • Improve the performance of existing computer systems and software
  • Develop new products or solve practical computing problems
  • Conduct research involving experimentation and modeling



35 Careers related to Computers

There are many careers related to computers, depending on your specializations and interests. See this page for majors related to Computers. This list below is essential for those who want to explore what type of career they want in Computers.

  1. Application analyst
  2. Applications developer
  3. Computer Hardware Engineers
  4. Computer Network Architects
  5. Computer Network Support Specialists
  6. Computer Operators
  7. Computer Programmers
  8. Computer Science Teachers, Postsecondary
  9. Computer Systems Analysts
  10. Computer Systems Engineers/Architects
  11. Computer User Support Specialists
  12. Computer and Information Research Scientists
  13. Computer and Information Systems Managers
  14. Cyber security analyst
  15. Data analyst
  16. Database Administrators
  17. Desktop Publishers
  18. Document Management Specialists
  19. Forensic computer analyst
  20. Game designer
  21. Games developer
  22. Geospatial Information Scientists and Technologists
  23. Information Security Analysts
  24. Machine learning engineer
  25. Penetration tester
  26. Search Marketing Strategists
  27. Software Developers, Applications
  28. Software Developers, Systems Software
  29. Software Quality Assurance Engineers and Testers
  30. Software engineer
  31. Systems analyst
  32. UX designer
  33. Web Administrators
  34. Web Developers
  35. Web designer
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As demand for new and better technology grows, the demand for computer scientists and engineers continues to grow as well. Graduates seeking computer science careers should take advantage of this field; computer scientists enjoy excellent job prospects.

Computer science job opportunities vary depending on the degree. Employers typically expect computer science graduates to hold master’s degrees at minimum. Graduates with associate degrees often pursue roles as computer support specialists or web developers. Bachelor’s degrees open doors to many more computer science-related careers.

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