100 Research topics related to Special Education

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Looking for research topics related to Special Education? this page might help you come up with ideas. Research topics are subjects or issues researchers are interested in when conducting research. A well-defined research topic is the starting point of every successful research project. Choosing a topic is an ongoing process by which researchers explore, define, and refine their ideas.

There are many research topics related to Special Education, depending on your specialization and interests. The topics below are only for guides. We do not encourage writing on any of them because thousands of people visit this page also to get an idea of what project topics to write on.

Special Education program focuses on the design and provision of teaching and other educational services to children or adults with special learning needs or disabilities, and that may prepare individuals to function as special education teachers. The primary purposes of research topics related to Special Education are to inform action, gather evidence for theories, and solutions to problems, and contribute to developing knowledge.


120 Research topics related to Special Education

  • A Comparative Study Of The Academic Performance Of Boarding And Day Students In Education.
  • A Study Of The Causes Of Teenage Pregnancy Among Female Students And Its Effects On Their Academic
  • A Study Of The Causes, Effects And Remedies Of Drug Abuse Among Secondary School Students
  • A Study Of The Common Difficulties Encountered By Students In Chemistry
  • A Study Of The Factors Affecting Academic Performance Of Girls In Senior Secondary Schools.
  • A Study To Determine The Relationship Between The Availability And Use Of Instructional Materials.
  • A Survey Of Causes And Modes Of Exploitation Of Students By Teachers
  • A Survey Of The Causes Of Indiscipline Among Students In Public Schools
  • Abstinence-Only Vs. Comprehensive Sex Education: Policy No Graph Series
  • Abstinence-Only And Comprehensive Sex Education And The Initiation Of Sexual Activity And Teen Pregnancy
  • Administrators’ Supervisory Skills And Teacher’s Job Performance In Secondary Schools.
  • An Assessment Of The Prevalence Of Sexual Immorality Among Secondary School Students
  • An Investigation Into The Causes Of Poor Performance Of Students In Chemistry
  • An Investigation Into The Causes Of Truancy Among Students In Secondary School
  • An Investigation Into The Relationship Between Teaching Methods And Academic Performances Of Secondary
  • Assessment Of Youth Reproductive Health Programs
  • Attitude Of Secondary School Principal Towards School Inspection
  • Attitude Of Students And Parents Towards The Teaching Of Sex Education In Secondary Schools
  • Attitudes Of Costa Rican Students And Teachers On Sex And Population Education
  • Attitudes Of Teachers And Parent Toward Corporal Punishment In Secondary School
  • Availability Of Instructional Materials For The Teaching Of Business Studies
  • Better Learning In Schools To Improve Attitudes Toward Abstinence And Intentions For Safer Sex Among Adolescents
  • Career Opportunities For Adult Education Graduates
  • Causes And Effect Of Poor Nutrition On Children Under The Age Of 15 Years
  • Causes And Effect Of Poor Reading Habit Among Junior Secondary School Students
  • Causes And Problems Of Divorce And Its Effect On Child Education In Selected Schools
  • Causes Of Drug Abuse And Its Consequences On The Academic Performance Of Students.
  • Causes Of Student Poor Academic Performance In Teaching Of Social Studies
  • Causes, Effects And Solution To Inflation
  • Causes, Effects And 21st Century Solution To Examination Malpractice Among Secondary School Students.
  • Causes, Effects, And Control Of Communicable Diseases In Secondary Schools
  • Communicable Diseases Among Primary School Pupils
  • Comparison Of Measures Of Central Tendency
  • Compensation For Environmental Degradation
  • Consequences Of Polygamous Marriage On The Christians
  • Contraception And Sexuality Among Students Of College Of Education
  • Current Status Of Hiv Sentinels Surveillance Data And Aids Case Reporting
  • Drug Abuse And Student’s Academic Performances In Senior Secondary School
  • Effect Of Classroom Control And Management In Secondary Schools
  • Effect Of Manual Labour On The Academic Performance Of Primary School Pupils
  • Effect Of Secondary School Student’s Disciplinary Problem On Academic Performance
  • Effect Of Unemployment On Computer Education Graduates
  • Effectiveness Of Information Communication Technology On Teaching And Learning
  • Evaluation Of The Effect Of Credit Use On The Productivity Of Small Scale Cowpea Farmers
  • Exploratory Study Of Parents’ Perceptions Of Teaching Sex Education
  • Factors Associated With The Content Of Sex Education In U.S. Public Secondary Schools.
  • Factors Influencing Choice Of School Subjects Among Junior Secondary Schools
  • Factors Militating Against Effective Management Of The Public
  • Factors Militating Against The Introduction Of Computer Education In Secondary Schools
  • Hiv/Aids Risky Behaviours Among Commercial Drivers
  • Hiv/Aids. Preventing Infection Among Adolescents And Young People
  • Impact Of Education In the Rural Development Process
  • Impact Of School Facilities On Student Academic Performance
  • Implication For Student’S Sex Education In Korea
  • Influence Of Continuous Assessment On Academic Performance Of Secondary School Students
  • Issues In Examination Malpractices In Educational System.
  • Job Satisfaction Among Counselors In Secondary Schools
  • Moral Discipline And Academic Performance Of Secondary School Students
  • New Brunswick Teachers’ Ideas About Sexual Health Education. Can J Of Human Sexuality.
  • Opportunities And Challenges In School- Based Sex And Sexual Health Education In Nepal
  • Outcomes Of A Systematically Designed Strategy For The Implementation Of Sex Education
  • Parent Opinion Of Sexuality Education In A State With Mandated Abstinence Education
  • Parents And Sex Education: Parents’ Attitudes To Sexual Health Education
  • Parents’ And Teachers’ Views On Sexual Health Education And Screening For Sexually Transmitted Infections Among In-School Adolescent Girls
  • Parents’ Perception, Students’ And Teachers’ Attitude Towards School Sex Education
  • Parents’ Preference And Beliefs On School-Based Sex Education Policy In California. The Parent’s Perspective
  • Perceptions Of Portuguese Teachers Of Sex Education
  • Predictors Of Sexual Value Systems Among University Students
  • Prevalence Of Coccidiosis Among Village And Exotic Breed Of Chickens
  • Public Opinion On Sex Education In Us Schools
  • Religion And Good Governance:
  • Review Opportunities And Challenges In School-Based Sex And Sexual Health Education In Nepal.
  • Sexual Health Education In School: The Sex Information And Education Council
  • Sexuality Education In Fifth And Sixth Grades In U.S. Public Schools
  • Strategies To Improve The Performance Of Students In Science Subjects
  • Students’ Perception Of The Introduction Of Sex Education Into Secondary School
  • Teaching Moral And Ethical Behaviour As The Foundation For Leadership
  • The Causes And Effect Of Early Pregnancy On Their Academic Performance
  • The Causes And Effect Of Sexually Transmitted Disease Among Youth.
  • The Causes And Effect Of Street Hawking On Children Of School Age
  • The Causes And Effects Of Poor Reading Habit Among Secondary School Students
  • The Causes Of Deviant And Delinquent Behavior Among Students
  • The Causes Of Deviant Behavior Among Some Selected Secondary School Students
  • The Causes Of Examination Malpractice On Academic Performance Of Secondary School Students
  • The Causes Of Poor Performance In Ssce Certificate Examination
  • The Causes Of Rural-Urban Migration Among School Leavers
  • The Causes Of Students Poor Performance In Mathematics In Junior Secondary School.
  • The Community Participant In Financing Primary Education
  • The Consequences Of Divorce
  • The Contribution Of Co-Operative Society/Scheme Within My Organisation Federal Road Safety Commission…
  • The Contribution Of Literature To Modern African Society
  • The Contribution Of the National Directorate Of Employment In Alleviating Unemployment Problem.
  • The Effect Of Advertisement On The Demand For Consumers Goods
  • The Effect Of Broken Home On The Academic Performance Of Secondary School Students
  • The Effect Of Broken Homes And Non-Broken Home On The Academic Performance Of…
  • The Effect Of Bullying On Junior Secondary School Students As It Affects Their Academic Performance.
  • The Effect Of Career Choice On The Academic Performance Comparative Study Of
  • The Effect Of Child Abuse And Neglect On The Academic Performance Of Students
  • The Effect Of Drug Abuse On The Youth
  • The Effect Of Drug Use And Abuse On The Academic Performance Of Secondary School Students
  • The Effect Of Face-To-Face Or Group Education During Pregnancy On the Sexual Function Of Couples
  • The Effect Of Gender On Career Choice Of Secondary School Students
  • The Effect Of Instructional Materials On The Learning And Teaching Of Economics In Secondary Schools
  • The Effect Of Language Interference On The Academic Performance Of Students In Secondary Schools.
  • The Effect Of Lecturer Strike On Academic Performance Of Students In College Of Education
  • The Effect Of Single Parenting Child Upbringing On School Children
  • The Effect Of Socio-Economic Background On The Academic Performance Of Students
  • The Effects Of Indiscipline On the Academic Performance Of Secondary School Students
  • The Effects Of Social Networking On Students’ Performance: A Case Study Of Students In The University
  • The Impact Of Women’S Education In The Growth And Development
  • The Influence Of Gender On The Education Of The Girl Child
  • The Problem And Prospect Of Teaching And Learning Physics In Secondary School Level.
  • The Problem Encountered By The Widow
  • The Problem Of Absenteeism In Selected Schools
  • The Problems And Prospects Of Using Teaching Aids In The Teaching Of Chemistry
  • The Role Of Effective Communication In The Performance And Productivity Of A Secretary
  • The Role Of Motivation In The Approach Of Teaching Business Studies
  • The Use Of Information And Communication Technology In the Teaching Of Business Studies.
  • The Effect Of Gsm On Academic Performance Of Tertiary Students.
  • The Impact Of Polygamy On Children’s Education
  • The Influence Of Conflict Management Effectiveness On Administrative Staff Productivity In Tertiary
  • The Influence Of Learning Disabilities On Students’ Academic Performance
  • Youth Lens On Reproductive Health And Hiv/Aids: Sexuality And Family Life Education Help Prepare Young People.
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