Research topics related to Psychology

research topics related to

Looking for research topics related to Psychology? this page might help you come up with ideas. Research topics are subjects or issues researchers are interested in when conducting research. A well-defined research topic is the starting point of every successful research project. Choosing a topic is an ongoing process by which researchers explore, define, and refine their ideas.

There are many research topics related to Psychology, depending on your specializations and interests. The topics below are only for guides. We do not encourage writing on any of them because thousands of people visit this page to also get an idea of what topics to write on.

Research topics related to Psychology are those topics that deal with mental processes, brain functions, and behavior, the experience and behavior of the individual. The main purposes of psychology research are to inform action, gather evidence for theories, solutions to problems, and contribute to developing knowledge.

50 Research topics related to Psychology

  • A comparative study of guidance and counseling services effect on students’ academic performance in ……
  • A critical appraisal of the empiricism of David Hume and the problem of induction
  • Character traits (tough-mindedness and aggression) and stress as predictors of alcohol use among police officers in …….
  • Childhood trauma, resilience, and locus of control are predictors of high school students’ deviant behaviors.
  • Eating habits as a determinant of academic performance among high school students in …….
  • Effect of gender and families’ socio-economic status
  • Effect of gender and locality on altruistic behavior among adults.
  • Effect of gender and locus of control on the psychological well-being of distance learning students
  • Effects of drug abuse on high school students’ attitude towards learning: a case of study of high school students in ……
  • Effects of peer pressure on the academic performance of high school students in ….
  • Emotional intelligence and self-efficacy as determining factors for perceived social support among adolescents
  • Emotional intelligence as predictors of police officers’ psychological well being
  • Extroversion, introversion, and age as factors influencing intimate partner violence victimization among women
  • Gender and locality as factors influencing assertive behavior among adolescents
  • Gender as a determinant of job-related benefits in organizations
  • Impact of child abuse and neglect on the American society
  • Impact of personality traits on students’ academic performance
  • Impact of school environment on students’ pyschosocial development and academic performance
  • Impact of sports betting on teens (a case study of selected teenager in ….)
  • Indirect realism in john Locke: a critical assessment of the representationalist theory of perception.
  • Influence of age at marriage and educational level on the anxiety level of women
  • Influence of family background on the academic achievement of high school students in …..
  • Influence of gender and job status on employee stress among the American police force
  • Influence of gender and mode of study on examination anxiety among undergraduates
  • Influence of gender and mode of study on examination anxiety among undergraduates.
  • Influence of health locus of control on menstrual attitude amongst three generations of women in ….
  • Influence of job challenges and goal ambiguity on the psychological well being of employees of champion breweries
  • Influence of parental stress on the academic achievement of special needs children
  • Influence of role description and shift work on the ethical behavior of nurses
  • Influence of school environment on student academic performance and self-esteem
  • Influence of students’ choice on financial accounting
  • Influence of work-life balance on the psychological distress among nurses in ……
  • Instructional media as an effective means of imparting knowledge
  • Locality and gender as predictors of attribution of success
  • Locus of control, coping styles, and psychological distress
  • Locus of control, job status, gender, and perceived job insecurity among bank workers
  • The psychological effect of conflict/violence on women and children
  • Psychological factors influencing the well-being of students living with sickle cell anemia
  • Relationship between fake drugs and people’s perception of the healthcare delivery system
  • Relationship between self-discipline and self-esteem (a case study of selected ……)
  • Relationship between self-esteem and locus of control among well-functioning adolescents…
  • Reversible and irreversible effects of drug abuse
  • Roles of age, gender and self-efficacy of catholic vocational workers on anxiety manifestation
  • Roles of sex and parents’ level of education on self-esteem
  • Social support and interpersonal competence as a predictor of academic performance among senior high school students
  • Social support, self-esteem and religiosity as predictors of depression control among teenager in …………..
  • The effect of organizational culture on workers’ effectiveness
  • The perceived effects of sexual harassment and social intelligence on the social interaction of serially frustrated undergraduates
  • The psychosocial effect of institutionalization of orphans and vulnerable children in…
    locality and gender as predictors of attribution of success.
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The eclipse after a topic signifies an area of interest. For example:  A comparative study of guidance and counseling services effect on students’ academic performance in Bakersfield

You could conduct your research in a library, a museum, a laboratory, or a community.


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