42 Careers related to Graphic Design

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Looking for careers related to Graphic Design? you are on the right page. Careers related to Graphic Design are those careers that are involved in formulating design concepts and presentation approaches for visual communications media, such as print, broadcasting, and advertising. Creating graphics to meet specific commercial or promotional needs via computer-assisted art and design, printmaking, concept sketching, technical drawing, color theory, imaging, studio technique, still and life modeling, etc…

Principal areas of job descriptions in careers related to Graphic Design include not limited to the following:

  • Create designs, concepts, and sample layouts, based on knowledge of layout principles and esthetic design concepts.
  • Develop graphics and layouts for product illustrations, company logos, and Web sites.
  • Determine the size and arrangement of illustrative material and copy, and select style and size of type.
  • Prepare illustrations or rough sketches of material, discussing them with clients or supervisors and making necessary changes.
  • Mark up, paste, and assemble final layouts to prepare layouts for the printer.
  • Study illustrations and photographs to plan the presentation of materials, products, or services.
  • Develop negatives and prints to produce layout photographs, using negative and print developing equipment and tools.
  • Produce still and animated graphics for on-air and taped portions of television news broadcasts, using electronic video equipment.
  • Use digital illustration, photo-editing software, and layout software to create designs
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42 Careers related to Graphic Design

There are many careers related to Graphic Design, depending on your specializations and interests. See this page for majors related to Graphic Design. This list below is essential for those who want to explore what type of career they want in Graphic Design.

  • Advertising Designer
  • Advertising Layout Worker
  • Advertising and Promotions Managers
  • Art Director
  • Cartographers and Photogrammetrists
  • Catalogue Illustrator
  • Commercial Artist
  • Composing Room Supervisor
  • Concept Artist
  • Creative Director
  • Creative Manager
  • Design Director
  • Designer
  • Desktop Publisher
  • Digital Artist
  • Film and Video Editors
  • Food Stylist
  • Forms Designer
  • Graphic Art Designer
  • Graphic Artist
  • Graphic Designer
  • Graphics Coordinator
  • Graphics Specialist
  • Interface Designer
  • Interior Designers
  • Label Maker
  • Layout Artist
  • Macintosh Artist (Mac Artist)
  • Multimedia Artists and Animators
  • Multimedia Designer
  • Multimedia Developer
  • Multimedia Specialist
  • Photo Stylist
  • Presentation Specialist
  • Production Artist
  • Production Designer
  • Publications Designer
  • Studio Designer
  • User Interface Designer
  • Visual Designer
  • Weapons Designer


With the increasing use of the Internet, there is an ever-increasing for graphic designers who can help create visually appealing and effective layouts of websites and digital presence. Graphic designers generally work in studios where they have access to computers, drafting tables, and the software necessary to create their designs.

Graphic designers typically require a bachelor’s degree in graphic design or a related field. However, those with bachelor’s degrees in a different field of study may pursue technical training in graphic design to meet most hiring qualifications. Some schools may require applicants to submit sketches and other examples of their artistic ability before being admitted to a formal degree program.

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