130 Careers related to Education

careers related to

Looking for careers related to Education? you are on the right page. Careers related to Education are those careers that may involve teaching occupational, career and technical, or vocational subjects at the secondary school level in public or private schools. Planning, directing, or coordinating research, instructional, student administration and services, and other educational activities at universities, colleges, and junior and community colleges. Instructing preschool-aged children in activities designed to promote physical, social, and intellectual growth.

Principal areas of job descriptions in careers related to Education include not limited to the following:

  • Maintain accurate and complete student records as required by district policy, law, and administrative regulations.
  • Instruct and monitor students in the use and care of equipment and materials to prevent injury and damage.
  • Observe and evaluate students’ behavior, social development, performance, and physical health.
  • Instruct students in the knowledge and skills required in a specific occupation or occupational field, using a systematic plan of lectures, discussions, audio-visual presentations, and laboratory, shop, and field studies.
  • Plan and conduct activities for a balanced program of instruction, demonstration, and work time that provides students with opportunities to observe, question, and investigate.
  • Prepare students for later grades by encouraging them to explore learning opportunities and persevere with challenging tasks.
  • Assign and grade classwork and homework.
  • Formulate strategic plans for the institution.
  • Modify the general education curriculum for special-needs students, based on a variety of instructional techniques and technologies.
  • Establish and enforce rules for behavior and policies and procedures to maintain order among students.
See also  61 Careers related to Criminal Justice


130 Careers related to Education

There are many careers related to Education, depending on your specializations and interests. See this page for majors related to Education. This list below is essential for those who want to explore what type of career they want in Education.

  • Adjunct Instructor
  • Agricultural Education Instructor
  • Agricultural Education Teacher
  • Agriculture Teacher
  • Agriscience Instructor
  • Agriscience Teacher
  • Allied Health Instructor
  • Allied Health Teacher
  • Auto Body Repair Teacher
  • Auto Collision Repair Instructor (Automotive Collision Repair Instructor)
  • Auto Mechanics Instructor (Automotive Mechanics Instructor)
  • Auto Mechanics Teacher
  • Automotive Teacher
  • Automotive Technology Instructor
  • Behavioral Instructor
  • Bookkeeping Teacher
  • Building Construction Teacher
  • Building Trades Teacher
  • Business Education Teacher
  • Business Machines Teacher
  • Business Teacher
  • Business Technology Teacher
  • Business and Computer Technology Instructor
  • Business and Marketing Teacher
  • Career Education Teacher
  • Career Technology Teacher
  • Career and Technology Education Instructor (CTE Instructor)
  • Carpentry Teacher
  • Certification Officer
  • Clinical Instructor in Special Education
  • Computer Teacher
  • Construction Skills Teacher
  • Construction Teacher
  • Construction Technology Instructor
  • Construction Trades Teacher
  • Cooking Teacher
  • Cooperative Education Coordinator
  • Cosmetology Instructor
  • Cosmetology Teacher
  • Counselor Education Professor
  • Criminal Justice Instructor
  • Culinary Arts Instructor
  • Department Chair
  • Diesel Technology Instructor
  • Director of Teacher Education
  • Distributive Education Clubs of America Advisor (DECA Advisor)
  • Drafting Instructor
  • Drafting Teacher
  • Dry Cleaning Teacher
  • Early Childhood Education Instructor
  • Education Faculty Member
  • Education Instructor
  • Education Professor
  • Education Teacher
  • Educational Administration Teacher
  • Electronics Teacher
  • Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education
  • Faculty Member
  • Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher (FACS Teacher)
  • Field Coordinator
  • Field Placement Director
  • Floral Design Teacher
  • Graphic Arts Instructor
  • HVAC-R Instructor (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Instructor)
  • Health Careers Instructor
  • Health Educators
  • Health Occupations Teacher
  • Health Science Instructor
  • Health Science Technology Education Teacher (HSTE Teacher)
  • High School Auto Repair Teacher
  • High School Drafting Teacher
  • High School HVAC-R Instructor
  • High School Vocational Education Teacher
  • Horticulture Instructor
  • Horticulture/Floriculture Teacher
  • Industrial Arts Teacher
  • Industrial Cooperative Training Coordinator (ICT Coordinator)
  • Industrial Education Instructor
  • Industrial Technology Teacher
  • Information Technology Teacher
  • Instructor
  • Instructor of Education
  • Job Trainer
  • Key Punch Teacher
  • Lecturer
  • Link Trainer Teacher
  • Literacy Education Professor
  • Machine Shorthand Teacher
  • Marketing Education Teacher
  • Masonry Instructor
  • Masonry Teacher
  • Mathematics Education Professor
  • Mathematics Teacher
  • Meat Cutting Teacher
  • Metal Trades Instructor
  • Multimedia Teacher
  • Networking Technology Instructor
  • Nursing Instructor
  • Office Machines Teacher
  • Photography Teacher
  • Power Equipment Mechanics Instructor
  • Power Equipment Technology Instructor
  • Precision Machining Instructor
  • Professor
  • Public Safety Teacher
  • Radio Repair Teacher
  • Reading Teacher
  • Recreation Workers
  • School Psychologists
  • Science Education Professor
  • Secondary Education Professor
  • Secretarial Teacher
  • Shop Teacher
  • Shorthand Teacher
  • Skilled Trades Teacher
  • Special Education Professor
  • Student Teaching Coordinator
  • Tailoring Teacher
  • Teacher
  • Teacher Education Director
  • Teacher Education Instructor
  • Technical Education Teacher
  • Technology Education Instructor
  • Technology Education Teacher
  • Technology Instructor
  • Television Repair Teacher
  • Veterinary Science Teacher
  • Visual Education Teacher
  • Visual Educator
  • Vocational Auto Body Instructor (Vocational Automotive Body Instructor)
  • Vocational Childcare Teacher
  • Vocational Education Teacher
  • Vocational Education Teachers, Postsecondary
  • Vocational Teacher
  • Vocational Trainer
  • Weaving Teacher
  • Welding Teacher
  • Woodwork Teacher
  • Work Adjustment Instructor
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