Research topics related to Public Administration

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Looking for research topics related to Public Administration? this page might help you come up with ideas. Research topics are subjects or issues researchers are interested in when conducting research. A well-defined research topic is the starting point of every successful research project. Choosing a topic is an ongoing process by which researchers explore, define, and refine their ideas.

There are many research topics related to Public Administration, depending on your specialization and interests. The topics below are only for guides. We do not encourage writing on any of them because thousands of people visit this page also to get an idea of what topics to write on.

Public Administration program prepares individuals to serve as managers in the executive arm of local, state, and federal government; and focuses on the systematic study of executive organization and management. The primary purposes of research topics related to Public Administration are to inform action, gather evidence for theories, and solutions to problems, and contribute to developing knowledge.


50 Research topics related to Public Administration

  • A Study Into The Challenges Of Income Taxation In Ghana: A Case Study Of Internal Revenue Service- Eastern Regional Office
  • A Study On The Role Of Youth In Nation Development
  • Age Grade Association As An Agent Of Rural Development
  • An Assessment Of Performance Of Women Entrepreneurs In Technological And Non-Technological Development
  • An Assessment Of The Effectiveness Of Value-Added Tax Administration In [location]
  • An Assessment Of The Impact Of Collective Bargaining On Dispute Resolution In Public Companies
  • An Assessment On Public Relations As A Tool For Resolving Conflict
  • An Evaluation Of Ethnicity And Issue Of Political Development In [location]
  • An Evaluation Of Principals’ Administrative Effectiveness In [location] Schools
  • An Examination Of The Role of Cooperation Thrift And Credit Societies To The Development Of Urban Area
  • An Investigation Into The Problems Of Leadership In Tertiary Institutions
  • An Investigation Into The Relationship Between Leadership Styles And Organisational Performance
  • An Investigation Into The Relationship Between Personnel Management And Local Government Administration
  • Analysis Of Factors Responsible For Low Productivity In The Civil Service
  • Application Of Community Relations Strategies In Addressing Host Community Hostility
  • Attitude Of [location] Towards Government Owned Properties
  • Causes And Effect Of Alcoholism Among Youths
  • Causes Of Low Productivity By Public Service Workers
  • Causes, Effects, And Remedies Of Organizational Conflict In [location]
  • Challenges Of Effective Privatization Of Public Enterprises In [location]
  • Challenges Of Management Of Public Residential Properties In [location]
  • Collective Bargaining And Industrial Peace
  • Conflict Management For Effective Performance In An Organization
  • Corporate Governance And Its Effect On Organizational Performance
  • Corporate Governance And Its Impact On The Management Of An Organization
  • Corporate Social Accounting Information Disclosures Among Firms In [location]
  • Corruption And Economic Crimes In The Public Sector
  • Crisis Management In Public Sector
  • Effect Of Globalization On National Security
  • Effects Of Tax Evasion And Avoidance On The [location] Economy
  • Employment Procedures And Their Effect On Government Parastatals
  • Ethnic Conflict And National Stability In [location]
  • Evaluation Of Government Incentives Schemes Towards Small Scale.
  • Examination Of The Nature Of Housing In [location]
  • Global Financial Meltdown And Its Effects On [location] Banking Sector
  • Globalization And Economic Development In [location]: An Assessment
  • Government And The Management Of Security Challenges In [location]
  • Impact Of Bureaucracy In [location] Public Enterprise
  • Impact Of Foreign Trade On The [location] Economy
  • Impact Of Motivation On The Productivity Of Worker
  • Impact Of Poor Revenue Generation On The Development Of Local Government Areas
  • Impact Of Revenue Generation On Local Government Administration In [location]
  • Impact Of Trade Unionism On The Growth Of Public Sector Organization In [location]
  • Impact Of Women’s Participation On The Political System In [location]
  • Incentive Schemes And Worker’s Performance In [location]
  • Investment Management Practices And Growth Of Public Enterprises
  • Local Government: A Platform For Political Participation
  • Management Of Employee Grievances In [location] Public Corporation
  • Management Problems Of Public Enterprises
  • Management Training And Development Techniques In [location]
  • Managing Industrial Disputes In Higher Institutions
  • Manpower Development And Productivity In Tertiary Institutions In [location]
  • Multi-National Companies And Their Social Responsibilities In Their Host Communities
  • Organizational Activities Of The Civil Service And Its Effective Utilization Of Human Resources Material
  • Performance Management, A New Strategy For Improving Public Sectors’ Effectiveness
  • Poor Management, A Stumbling Stone Of Consumer Cooperatives Development
  • Problems Of Personnel Management In Government Owned Establishments
  • Product Planning, Management, And Distribution Problem In Soft Drink Industry
  • Public Policy Implementation In [location] And Economic Development
  • Public Relation A Tool For Conflict Resolution
  • Public Relation As An Effective Instrument For Attaining Co-Operate Objectives
  • Public Relations Practices Of The Oil And Gas Industry
  • Revenue Generation And Collection
  • Revenue Mobilization, Allocation, And Fiscal Commission As A Tool To National Integration
  • Role Of Local Government System In Enhancing Rural Development
  • Role Of Local Governments In Rural Development
  • Role Of Planning And Control To Management Efficiency And Productivity
  • Role Of Public Relations In Marketing Organization
  • Taxation And Local Government Development In [location]
  • The Economic Implication Of Privatization And Commercialization Of Ailing Industries In [location]
  • The Effect Of Employee Participation On Organizational Performance
  • The Effect Of Government Policy On Privatization And Commercialization On [Location] Economy
  • The Effect Of Poverty On the Educational Development Of The Citizens
  • The Effect Of Privatization And Commercialization Of Government Owned Companies On the Developing Economy
  • The Effect Of Taxation On The [location] Economy
  • The Effect Of Work Environment On Organizational Performance
  • The Effects Of Consumerism In Marketing Of Fakecounterfeit Drugs In [location]
  • The Effects Of Organizational Structure In The Management Of an Organization
  • The Effects Of Poor Records Management In An Office Organization
  • The Effects Of Privatization And Commercialization Policy On National Economic Development
  • The Impact And Effectiveness Of Judicial Proceeding And Democratic Government In [Location]
  • The Impact Of Budget Implementation In An Organization
  • The Impact Of Capital Structure And Performance On The Petroleum Sector
  • The Impact Of Effective Management Of Resources In Solving the Unemployment Problem In [Location]
  • The Impact Of Human Resource Management On Organizational Performance
  • The Impact Of Human Resource Planning On Organizational Performanceabstract
  • The Impact Of Marketing Strategy On the Productivity Of Organizations
  • The Impact Of Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) On The Standard Of Living Of Rural Dwellers
  • The Impact Of Performance Appraisal On General Productivity
  • The Impact Of Poor Revenue Generation On The Development Of Local Government Areas
  • The Impact Of Salary Increase And Fringe Benefits Among [Location] Workers
  • The Impact Of Social Responsibility On Organizational Performance
  • The Impact Of Strategic Human Resource Management On Organizational Performance
  • The Impact Of Work Environment On Employee Productivity
  • The Influence Of Demographic Factors On Teacher’s Recruitment And Retaining
  • The Influence Of Multi-National Co-Operation In The Economic Development Of [Location]
  • The Management Problems Of [location] Rail Way Corporation
  • The Relevance Of Population Census To Economic Development Of Rural Areas In [Location].
  • The Role Of Association In Community Development
  • The Role Of Micro-Finance Bank In The Development Of Rural Areas
  • The Role Of Non-Governmental Agencies In Poverty Alleviation And The Development Of Community
  • The Role Of Non-Governmental Organizations In The Development Of Rural Areas
  • The Role Of the Personnel Department In Manpower Training And Development
  • The Role Of Public Relations In Enhancing Customers Satisfaction
  • The Role Of The Legislature In Policy Making Process
  • The Significant Of Effective Leadership In The Achievement Of Organizational Goals
  • The Third Tiller: Platform For Political Participation
  • Time Management As A Tool For Higher Productivity In An Organization
  • [location] Public Service, Problems, And Prospect
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