50 Research topics related to Nursing

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Looking for research topics related to Nursing? this page might help you come up with ideas. Research topics are subjects or issues researchers are interested in when conducting research. A well-defined research topic is the starting point of every successful research project. Choosing a topic is an ongoing process by which researchers explore, define, and refine their ideas.

There are many research topics related to Nursing, depending on your specializations and interests. The topics below are only for guides. We do not encourage writing on any of them because thousands of people visit this page to also get an idea of what topics to write on.

Nursing encompasses autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups, and communities, sick or well, and in all settings. Nursing includes the promotion of health, prevention of illness, and the care of ill, disabled, and dying people. The main purposes of research topics related to Nursing are to inform action, gather evidence for theories, and solutions to problems, and contribute to developing knowledge.


90 Research topics related to Nursing

  • A Descriptive Study Of Clinical Midwives’ Experiences Of Covid-19 During Shift Hours In [Location]
  • A Proposal On Psychological Impact On Sickle Cell Anaemia Patients
  • A Research Study On Attitude Of Nurses Towards Relapse Prevention Among Psychiatric Patients In [Location]
  • Accessibility, Use, Misuse And Effects Of Combined Oral Contraceptives Among Women Of Child Bearing Age
  • Analyzing The Knowledge Of People About Tuberculosis Cause And Its Effects
  • Analysis Of Job Satisfaction Of Professional Nurses In Public And Private Sectors
  • Analysis On The Knowledge, Attitude And Practice Regarding Immunization Of Under-Five Children Among Mothers Attending Antenatal Clinic (Anc)
  • Analyzing The Knowledge Of People About Tuberculosis Cause And Its Effects
  • Assessment Of Healthcare Waste Management Practices Among Health Workers
  • Assessment Of Patient Attitude To The Involvement Of Students In Radiographic Examinations In Hospitals
  • Assessment Of Patients’ Attitude Towards The Use Of Radiology Changing Room And Changing Facilities
  • Attitude And Practice Of Standard Precautions Among Healthcare Workers
  • Attitude Of Student Nurses’ Toward People With Disabilities
  • Attitude, Knowledge And Perception Of Health Workers On Transmission And Prevention Of Covid-19
  • Attitudes Of Women Towards Utilization Of Modern Contraceptives
  • Awareness And Knowledge Of Sexually Transmitted Infection Among Adolescents
  • Challenges Of Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Working Class Women
  • Conflict Management Skills Of Nurse Tutors In [Location]
  • Coping Strategies Of Clients With Fertility Challenges Attending Obstetric And Gynaecological Clinics
  • Demographic And Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Utilization Of Maternal Health Services
  • Economic Burden Of Cancer And Payment Coping Mechanism
  • Effect Of A Nurse-Led Training Programme On Knowledge Of Risky Behaviours Among Motorcycle Operators
  • Effect Of A Training Programme On Knowledge And Practice Of Lifestyle Modification Among Hypertensive Patients Attending Out-Patient Clinics
  • Effect Of Nursing- Based Intervention On Exclusive Breastfeeding Practice Among Pregnant Women Attending Two Primary Health Care Centers
  • Effect Of Stress On the Academic Performance Of Nursing Students
  • Effectiveness Of Exclusive Breastfeeding In The Development Of Under 5 Children
  • Effects Of Malnutrition Among Children
  • Environmental Hygiene And Health Status Of Traders
  • Evaluating The Influence Of Clinical Experience On The Academic Performance Of Student Midwives
  • Evaluation Of Knowledge And Attitude Of Nurses To Information Technology On Nursing Care Delivery
  • Evaluation Of The Level Of Awareness Of The Dangers Associated With Anemia In Pregnancy
  • Exercise As A Boost For The Health Promotion Of The Elderly
  • Experiences Of Women Victimized By Domestic Violence
  • Factors Influencing The Attitude Of Mothers Towards Immunization
  • Factors Influencing The Choice Of Infant Feeding Options Among Hiv Positive Mothers Attending Health Facilities
  • Factors Militating Against Family Planning Amongst Women In Rural Communities
  • Factors Militating Against The Practice Of Aseptic Technique At The Ward Level
  • Health-Related Quality Of Life Of Diabetes Mellitus Patients And Non-Diabetics
  • Identification Of The Sources Of Information That Nursing Students Access In Relation To Hiv And Aids
  • Impact Of Maternal Literacy On Malnutrition In Children (0-5yrs)
  • Influence Of Information Sources On Knowledge, Attitude, And Practice Of Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Nursing Mothers
  • Knowledge And Attitude Of Nursing Mothers On Exclusive Breastfeeding
  • Knowledge And Perception Of Federal Civil Servants
  • Knowledge And Perception Of Hypertension And Its Management Among Patients
  • Knowledge And Perception Of The Federal Civil Servants Towards Health Insurance Scheme
  • Knowledge And Practice Of Food Hygiene Among Food Vendors
  • Knowledge And Practice Of Infection Control Among Midwives
  • Knowledge And Understanding Of The Effects Of Immunization Of Children Under The Age Of 5 Years
  • Knowledge Of The Cause And Prevention Of Anaemia In Pregnancy Among Pregnant Mothers
  • Knowledge Of The Effect Of Regular Pelvic Floor Exercises On Maternal Health Among Women Of Reproductive Age
  • Knowledge, Accessibility And Use Of Information Communication Technology (Ict) Among Students And Teachers
  • Knowledge, Attitude And Practice Of Care Of The Elderly Patients Among Health Workers
  • Knowledge, Attitude And Practice Of Patient Teaching Among Nurses Working In Tertiary Health Institutions
  • Level Of Awareness Among Pregnant Women Assessing Anti-Natal Care In Primary Health Center
  • Male Adolescents’ Knowledge, Perceptions, And Attitudes Towards Hiv/Aids Prevention
  • Mass Media And Promotion Of The Benefit Of Exclusive Breastfeeding
  • Maternal Health Care Seeking Behaviour Pregnancy Outcome
  • Measures Utilized For Prevention Of Nosocomial Infection In The Labour Ward
  • Mental Health In Developing Countries
  • Midwives’ Attitude And Its Effect Towards The Clients At The Antenatal Clinic Unit
  • Midwives’ And Mothers’ Perception Of the Midwives Service Scheme
  • Mothers` Perspectives Of Female Genital Mutilation
  • Nurses’ Perception Of Their Nurse Managers’ Delegation Of Responsibilities In Four Tertiary Hospitals
  • Nurses’ Role In Prevention Of Infant And Under-Five Child Mortality In Africa
  • Nursing Intervention For The Promotion Of Infection Control In Two Teaching Hospitals
  • Nursing Project Topics And Materials
  • Nursing Students’ Perceptions Of Clinical Nursing Training
  • Perception And Acceptance Of Caesarean Section Among Pregnant Women
  • Perception And Attitude Of Pregnant Women Towards Hepatitis B Infection
  • Perceptions Of Actual And Preferred Hospital Clinical Learning Environment Of Student Nurses
  • Prevention Of Malaria
  • Psychoactive Substance Use Among Young People
  • Psychology Impact Of Living With Sickle Cell Anaemia
  • Role Of Nurses In Prevention Of Surgical Site Infection In Surgical Units Of The Hospital
  • Sanitation And Hygiene
  • Sexuality And Contraceptive Use Among Adolescents
  • Staff Mix And Patient Outcome In State And Federal Teaching Hospitals
  • Stress Coping Strategies Among Student Nurses
  • The Attitude Of Nurses Towards Relapse Prevention Among Psychiatric Patients
  • The Boys Get The Pleasure The Girls Get The Pain
  • The Determinants Of Induced Abortion Among Undergraduates Students In [location]
  • The Importance Of Social Workers In An Hospital
  • The Influence Of Stress On Work Behavior Among Nurses
  • The Non-Compliance With Tuberculosis Treatment Among Patients Suffering Tuberculosis
  • The Perception And Attitude Of Pregnant Women Towards Cesarean Section
  • The Presence Of Hepatitis B Envelope Antibody In Patients Who Have Been Previously Screened For The Surface Antigen.
  • The Role Of Interpersonal Communication On Maternal Health Of Expectant Mothers (A Case Study Of [location])
  • The Role Of Nurses In the Management Of Typhoid In West Africa
  • Utilization Of the Donabedian Model In Evaluation Of Maternal And Child Healthcare Quality Service
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