59 Career related to Acting

Looking for careers related to Acting? you are on the right page. Careers related to Acting are those careers that entail playing parts on stage, television, radio, video, motion picture productions, dance, and singing, or other settings for entertainment, information, or instruction. Interpret serious or comic roles by gesture, speech, and body movement to entertain or inform the audience.

Principal areas of job descriptions in careers related to Acting include not limited to the following:

  • Study and rehearse roles from scripts to interpret, learn and memorize lines, stunts, and cues as directed.
  • Sing or dance during dramatic or comedic performances.
  • Collaborate with other actors as part of an ensemble.
  • Perform humorous and serious interpretations of emotions, actions, and situations, using body movements, facial expressions, and gestures.
  • Portray and interpret roles, using speech, gestures, and body movements, to entertain, inform, or instruct radio, film, television, or live audiences.
  • Write original or adapted material for dramas, comedies, puppet shows, narration, or other performances.
  • Prepare and perform action stunts for motion picture, television, or stage productions.
  • Tell jokes, perform comic dances, songs and skits, impersonate mannerisms and voices of others, contort face, and use other devices to amuse audiences.
  • Construct puppets and ventriloquist dummies, and sew accessory clothing, using hand tools and machines.
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59 Careers related to Acting

There are many careers related to Acting, depending on your specializations and interests. See this page for majors related to Acting. This list below is essential for those who want to explore what type of career they want in Acting.

  1. Acrobat
  2. Acting Teacher
  3. Actor
  4. Actor Understudy
  5. Actress
  6. Aerialist
  7. Amusement Park Entertainer
  8. Aquatic Performer
  9. Artistic Director
  10. Circus Clown
  11. Clown
  12. Concierge
  13. Comedian
  14. Comic
  15. Community Theater Actor
  16. Copy Writers
  17. Diver
  18. Double
  19. Dramatic Reader
  20. Elocutionist
  21. Ensemble Director
  22. Extra
  23. Film and Video Editors
  24. Illusionist
  25. Impersonator
  26. Impresario
  27. Juggler
  28. Magician
  29. Mime
  30. Minstrel
  31. Monologist
  32. Motion Picture Actor
  33. Movie Actor
  34. Movie Extra
  35. Movie Star
  36. Movie Stunt Performer
  37. Narrator
  38. Performer
  39. Presenter
  40. Puppeteer
  41. Ring Conductor
  42. Show Girl
  43. Singer
  44. Soubrette
  45. Stand Up Comedian
  46. Stand-In
  47. Stunt Double
  48. Television Actor
  49. Theatre Ensemble Member
  50. Theatrical Performer
  51. Theatrical Trouper
  52. Thrill Performer
  53. Understudy
  54. Vaudeville Actor
  55. Ventriloquist
  56. Voice Actor
  57. Voice-Over Artist
  58. Wire Walker
  59. Writer

Careers related to acting do not necessarily require a college degree in acting or film classes to learn their craft. There are community colleges, acting conservatories, and private film schools that typically offer classes in drama or filmmaking to prepare for a career as an actor.

Acting job doesn’t come easy. Most actors struggle to find steady work while many experience long periods of unemployment between roles and few achieve recognition as stars. Some work as extras that have no lines to deliver but are included in scenes to give a more realistic setting. Some actors do voiceover or narration work for animated features, audiobooks, or other electronic media.

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