15 Major related to Physical Therapy

majors related to

Majors related to Physical Therapy are those majors that generally prepare students to promote, maintain, or restore health through physical examination, diagnosis, management, prognosis, patient education, physical intervention, rehabilitation, disease prevention, and health promotion.

Physical Therapy major prepares students to alleviate physical and functional impairments and limitations caused by injury or disease through the design and implementation of therapeutic interventions to promote fitness and health. Like Nursing, Physical Therapy is also a very broad and less popular undergraduate major program in the Medical field

There are 15 majors related to Physical Therapy. Some of these majors are career-oriented. Instead of majoring in Physical Therapy, you can use the list of related majors below to narrow down your area of interest in Physical Therapy.

This list is very important for those who have no idea what type of career they want in Physical Therapy and what they need to learn or accomplish in order to be qualified for that career. Now let’s take a look at college majors that relate to Physical Therapy.


Majors related to Physical Therapy

  1. Health and Physical Education/Fitness
  2. Health and Wellness
  3. Physical Fitness Technician
  4. Physical Therapy Technician/Assistant
  5. Sport and Fitness Administration/Management
  6. Exercise Physiology
  7. Kinesiology and Exercise Science
  8. Massage Therapy/Therapeutic Massage
  9. Movement Therapy and Movement Education
  10. Occupational Therapy/Therapist
  11. Rehabilitation Therapy
  12. Kinesiology
  13. Psychology
  14. Athletic Training
  15. Physiology
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