21 Major related to Medicine

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Majors related to Medicine are those majors that generally focus on the study of the human body. These majors prepare students for the employed or independent professional practice of medicine, involving the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of illnesses, injuries, and other disorders of the human body

Medicine is very broad, encompassing clinical medicine, examination and diagnosis, patient communications, medical ethics and law, professional standards, and rotations in specialties such as internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, ophthalmology, radiology, clinical pathology, orthopedics, neurology, anesthesiology, family medicine, and psychiatry and much more.

There are 14 majors related to Medicine and all of them are career-oriented. Instead of majoring in Medicine, you can use the list of related majors below to narrow down your area of interest in Medicine while also considering your goals, interests, and natural strengths.

With respect to career, there are so many career options available for majors related to Medicine. Extensive skills, knowledge, and experience are needed for this field. Career options are Family Physicians, Hospitalist, Surgeon, Anesthesiologists, Dermatologists, Dental Hygienists, Cardiologist, Clinical radiologists, General practice doctors, Hospital doctors, Neurologist etc

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This list is very important for those who have no idea what type of career they want in Medicine and what they need to learn or accomplish in order to be qualified for that career. Now let’s take a look at college majors that relate to Medicine.

See Majors related to Medical Field

Majors related to Medicine

  1. Molecular Medicine
  2. Osteopathic Medicine
  3. Premedicine/Premedical Studies
  4. Veterinary Medicine
  5. Aerospace Physiology and Medicine
  6. Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  7. Pharmaceutics and Drug Design
  8. Alcohol/Drug Abuse Counseling
  9. Clinical and Industrial Drug Development
  10. Pharmaceutical Sciences
  11. Pharmaceutics and Drug Design
  12. Pharmacology
  13. Pharmacology and Toxicology
  14. Pharmacy
  15. Sports Medicine
  16. Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Administration
  17. Pharmacy Technician/Assistant
  18. Public Health/Community Nurse/Nursing
  19. Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse
  20. Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions
  21. Rehabilitation Science
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